Resource Library- 2023 State of Returns Report

2023 State of Returns Report

Helping retailers save the sale and maximize lifetime value in the return experience.

2023 State of Returns Report

Helping retailers save the sale and maximize lifetime value in the return experience.

Approximately 20% of all retail purchases will be made online in 2023.

In this year’s State of Returns report, we examine online shoppers' increasing demands on retailers. We also explore what retailers can do through returns to strengthen customer satisfaction in a way that doesn’t undermine the bottom line. 

How this report was built

To create this year’s State of Returns report, Narvar conducted a randomized survey of 2,001 consumers from across the United States to understand…

  • Consumer appetite for different types of returns.
  • Which incentives customers value most in a return policy.
  • How retailers can better convince shoppers to exchange rather than return. 
  • What consumers think about various forms of fraud, and how retailers can deter said fraud.

All of the shoppers surveyed…

  • Are between the ages of 18 and 75.
  • Buy something online every 3 months or more.
  • Return an online purchase at least 2 times per year. 
  • Spend at least $100 online per year, with a median of $1,559.
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