Just a decade ago, who would have thought that they can have an ultimate immersive experience while playing video games? The concept of virtual reality was once a mere thought, a fiction we all once believed that will see the light of day in the 2050s. But, little did we anticipate that in just a handful of years, virtual reality will create a remarkable impact in the professional & entertainment industry, especially VR gadgets, transformed the gaming world. That’s why we are talking about the best PSVR games here.

It all started back in 2012 when Oculus VR, the newly formed company launched it’s first-ever VR glasses called the Oculus Rift. Seeing the immense potential VR was demonstrating, Facebook purchased Oculus VR for over $2 billion. Soon, Sony announced its Project Morpheus is introducing a VR headset for its PS4 gamers. From then onwards, Samsung and Apple also jumped on the bandwagon.

Today, VR gaming has become quite the norm among modern-day gamers. If you are about to switch your gaming experience to VR, here are some of the best PSVR games that one must definitely play.

Resident Evil 7

Are you a fan of first-person horror shooter games? If you’re into zombie killing like I am then Resident Evil 7 can be your one-stop shop for all. It is one of the first big-budget games making into the world of dedicated VR. Resident Evil 7 has quite the gripping experience which will give you the thrill and scares of a lifetime all through a strapped PSVR headset. Now, I must say that the game might not look quite visually appealing on VR as it looked on-screen PS4 console, but it still gets the job done. The horror of exploring a zombie-filled world from a first-person view, an experience you won’t forget.

Resident Evil 7 Best PSVR Games

Blood & Truth

Do you have a knack for exploration? Remember the movie “The Last Action Hero” featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger as the main protagonist building his own action movie blockbuster? Blood & Truth gives you a pretty similar experience. It’s more of an on-rails adventure where you battle through the crime-ridden London underworld as an elite soldier Ryan Marks. You’re tasked with saving your family from a ruthless criminal empire. If you are willing to own one of the best PSVR games, Blood & Truth is a must-have game you should definitely add to your gaming arsenal. It has a linear VR story and quite the interactive gameplay.

Blood Truth PSVR

Falcon Age

Are you witty? Do you like to play around with tools and make cute birdy friends? If that’s the case with you and you want a virtual reality experience, Falcon Age is one game where you have the complete liberty to do it all. You can collect hats and toys and dress them up as cowboys. You can play this game on PS4 in and out of VR. However, if you want the best interactive experience, you’ll have to keep your headset firmly planted on your head. The game features you as the protagonist exploring various sites overrun by robot colonizers. Your falcon can distract enemies and can land killing blows on them while your birdy friend can go around collecting loot. To be honest, the bird is the main attraction in VR

Falcon Age Best PSVR Games

Firewall Zero Hour

Searching for an excellent online multiplayer shooter on PlayStation VR? Firewall Zero Hour is a classy online multiplayer game which gives the user a highly interactive FPS shooter gaming experience on the PSVR. You can compare it to the Rainbow Six Siege only this time you will have a far less wall-exploding experience. With the VR, Firewall Zero Hour takes shooting experience to a whole new level. You get crazy military buffs, and you further experience some breathtaking tactical delights. If you enjoy teamplay and quick killing experience on VR, Firewall Zero Hour is a must-play game on VR.

Firewall Zero Hour PSVR

Beat Saber

Imagine you’re Luke Skywalker, and instead of hacking and slashing down floating robots with your lightsaber, you can train yourself with a bunch of Tron polygons coming your way? Beat Saber is an interactive Star Wars themed game where you slice and dice Tron polygons coming your way following the sound of throbbing EDM. You control two lightsabers in the game, the red one in your left and the blue one on your right. Now, all you’ve to do is artfully swipe them through an advancing line of cubes. The beats in the song commend how the polygons are sent your way. The game is not just interactive, but it also allows you to focus and have an exciting cardio experience deeply.

Beat Saber VR


Superhot is a game specifically dedicated to the VR community. Although, PS4 enthusiasts can play this game using a console controller, but the real fun of playing this game comes when you play it on the PSVR. It is a full-matrix style console game where you’re tasked to go head-to-head with red polygonal figures and you’re tasked with tackling hordes of these figures coming your way. You work with a calm and sound mind instead of lightning-fast reflexes which is the fascinating bit in the game. Everything in the game, including enemies, weapons, bullets, move within the game when you move. And that’s what makes Superhot a definitive action VR game packed with real-fun moments.

Superhot PSVR


Want to face a bit of a challenge in VR gaming on PS4? Look no further than the action-filled palm-sweating intense gaming experience called Thumper. In this game, you are challenged with the task of driving fast around the track and steer clear around the corners to avoid damage. One of the great things about Thumper is its amazing soundtrack which keeps the in-game thrill alive. You can choose to play this game on VR, or you can play it on-screen. Literally, on every turn, Thumper packs a piece of exciting hypnotic style music that keeps you hooked in twisting and swerving through the tracks.



There are certain sports which work pretty smooth with the current VR systems and one among them is boxing. If you are a boxing fan and you want to experience combat in a virtual reality environment, look no further than Creed. It is one of the best entries in the VR boxing game so far and is developed under the supervision of Survios. The developers have worked intensively on what you call the “Phantom Melee” system which removes all the additional spamming issues which surround many VR boxing games. It allows you to fight with fairness and apply deep strategy and make experience quite a thrilling one. The best thing about playing creed is that it packs quite a thrilling proof in a punch.

Creed PSVR


It contains a more wonderfully done rifle-shaped Aim controller view set which simply elevates from the simplistic first-person shooter game. Bringing the immersive experience to the platform, Farpoint has become one of the highly interactive alien planet online shooters where you have to find your way back home. And you have to do that by shooting your way out of hordes of spider enemies coming through. With Farpoint, you can easily manage something which strikes a chord. It is a strong-willed and a highly focused game which creates a real Impulse Gear, but we’re hoping for more in the coming year.

Farpoint PSVR Game

So there you go, here are all the best PSVR games that I believe are worthy of attention. There are so many other games such as Destiny 2 Forsaken that many of us deeply desire to play online in a VR environment. Just imagine the thrill of using those Destiny 2 Exotic Weapons in a virtual reality environment, right? The power of VR can exceed your expectations if you can think beyond it.

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